Vegan Pepper Jack Cheese Recipe Easy Homemade Version

I’ve always loved the spicy kick of pepper jack cheese, but finding a vegan version that hits the right notes of creamy texture and bold, peppery flavor can be challenging. This is why I decided to make my own.

Whether you’re vegan, lactose-intolerant, or simply looking to reduce your dairy intake, this vegan pepper jack cheese recipe is a delicious alternative that doesn’t compromise on taste or texture.

A cutting board with sliced jalapenos, cashews, nutritional yeast, and spices, surrounded by a measuring cup of almond milk and a food processor

My recipe uses readily available vegan ingredients to recreate that characteristic pepper jack punch. I’ve experimented with a blend of spices, nuts, and binding agents to achieve the perfect melt and sliceable consistency. Plus, it’s a healthier option that you can enjoy on sandwiches, crackers, or melted in your favorite dishes.

Key Takeaways

  • Vegan pepper jack cheese is a flavorful dairy-free alternative.
  • The recipe uses accessible vegan ingredients for an authentic taste.
  • This homemade cheese is perfect for slicing, melting, and snacking.

Ingredients List

In crafting the perfect vegan Pepper Jack cheese, I’ve found that using a harmonious blend of base ingredients and carefully measured spices produces a texture and flavor that’s truly reminiscent of traditional Pepper Jack.

Primary Ingredients

  • Cashews: 1 cup, soaked for 4 hours and drained
  • Water: 1 cup, just enough to achieve a creamy consistency
  • Agar Powder: 2 tablespoons to help the cheese set firmly
  • Tapioca Starch: 3 tablespoons for that melt-in-your-mouth quality
  • Lemon Juice: 2 tablespoons for a subtle tartness
  • Salt: 1 teaspoon to enhance all flavors
  • Nutritional Yeast Flakes: 1/4 cup for a cheesy, umami taste
  • Arrowroot Starch (optional): 1 tablespoon as an alternative thickener to tapioca
  • Chickpea Flour: 2 tablespoons to increase the protein content and improve texture

Spices and Flavorings

  • Garlic Powder: 1/2 teaspoon for a hint of savoriness
  • Onion Powder: 1/2 teaspoon for depth of flavor
  • Jalapeno Pepper: 1 medium, finely diced for that traditional Pepper Jack heat
  • Red Pepper Flakes: 1/2 teaspoon for an extra spicy kick
  • Apple Cider Vinegar: 1 tablespoon to brighten the flavors
  • Coconut Oil: 1 tablespoon, refined, for richness without coconut flavor
  • Tahini: 1 tablespoon for creaminess and nuttiness
  • Olive Oil: 1 tablespoon for a smooth, rich texture
  • Miso Paste: 1 teaspoon to round out the cheesy flavor

I carefully choose my ingredients to ensure my vegan Pepper Jack cheese is not only bursting with bold, spicy flavors but also has a delightful texture that can be sliced, grated, or melted to perfection.

Preparation Steps

Making vegan pepper jack cheese is a rewarding kitchen adventure. I’ll guide you through the primary stages of blending ingredients into a creamy mixture and then setting the cheese to achieve that perfect sliceable texture.

Blending Ingredients

In my experience, a high-speed blender is essential for achieving that irresistible creamy texture which is the hallmark of great vegan cheese recipes.

I start by adding soaked cashews, as they’re the base for the creaminess. To this, I add water, which varies in amount depending on the desired thickness.

Nutritional yeast is a must for that cheesy flavor, followed by seasonings like salt, garlic, and onion powder to enhance the taste.

For the signature pepper jack spiciness, I don’t hold back on the jalapeños or red pepper flakes.

Once all is in, I blend until the mixture is utterly smooth—patience is key as any graininess can take away from the final product.

  • Ingredients to blend:
    • Soaked cashews
    • Water
    • Nutritional yeast
    • Seasonings: salt, garlic powder, onion powder
    • Spices: jalapeños, red pepper flakes

Setting the Cheese

After achieving a smooth blend, I focus on the setting process. This involves cooking the mixture with agar—a plant-based gelatin—which helps the cheese solidify, making it sliceable.

I transfer the mixture into a saucepan and whisk constantly to avoid lumps. Heating allows the agar to activate.

Once it thickens after a few minutes, I immediately pour it into a mold.

The refrigerator becomes my ally here as I patiently let the cheese chill. This isn’t a step to rush; the cheese needs time to develop its firm, sliceable quality.

Typically, an overnight chill suffices, but a few hours can work if I’m pressed for time.

  • Steps for setting:
    • Transfer mixture to a saucepan.
    • Cook with agar and whisk.
    • Pour into a mold.
    • Let it chill in the refrigerator.

Cooking Process

In my journey to create the perfect vegan pepper jack cheese, I’ve discovered a process that’s both enjoyable and straightforward. My goal is always to make cooking as accessible as possible, so let’s walk through this together!

Firstly, I like to gather all my ingredients and tools. It’s similar to a mini mise-en-place that ensures everything flows smoothly. I make sure my trusty saucepan is ready, along with a whisk for stirring.

  • Cook Time: Varies, but typically around 15-20 minutes for the cheese mixture to set.
  • Ingredients: A key component for that perfect cheese-like consistency is agar agar or kappa carrageenan.

Now, let’s get started:

  1. I begin by heating the base liquid in a saucepan. A good practice is to not rush this step, controlling the heat to avoid burning any ingredients.
  2. Once the base is warm, I slowly sprinkle in the agar agar while whisking vigorously to prevent lumps from forming.
  3. I continue cooking the mixture on moderate heat. This is when patience comes in handy—stirring too vigorously or not enough can affect the end texture.

Here’s a trick: Low and slow often wins the race, especially when allowing the agar or carrageenan to fully activate, turning the liquid into a splendidly gooey concoction.

  1. After the mixture thickens, which usually takes about 6-10 minutes, I transfer it to a mold to set.

Remember, this is just the broad strokes of the cooking process. The seasoning and additional flavors are where you can get creative!

Vegan Pepper Jack Cheese Recipe Easy Homemade Version

Recipe by thisrecipelifeCourse: VeganCuisine: VeganDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time


Total time



Whether you’re stacking it on a sandwich or melting it in your next vegan quesadilla, this vegan pepperjack cheese is bound to be a hit.


  • Cashews: 1 cup, soaked for 4 hours and drained

  • Water: 1 cup, just enough to achieve a creamy consistency

  • Agar Powder: 2 tablespoons

  • Tapioca Starch: 3 tablespoons

  • Lemon Juice: 2 tablespoons

  • Salt: 1 teaspoon

  • Nutritional Yeast Flakes: 1/4 cup

  • Arrowroot Starch (optional): 1 tablespoon

  • Chickpea Flour: 2 tablespoons

  • Garlic Powder: 1/2 teaspoon

  • Onion Powder: 1/2 teaspoon

  • Jalapeno Pepper: 1 medium, finely diced

  • Red Pepper Flakes: 1/2 teaspoon

  • Apple Cider Vinegar: 1 tablespoon

  • Coconut Oil: 1 tablespoon, refined

  • Tahini: 1 tablespoon

  • Olive Oil: 1 tablespoon

  • Miso Paste: 1 teaspoon


  • Prep the Base: In a high-speed blender, combine soaked and drained cashews with water, lemon juice, coconut oil, tahini, olive oil, and apple cider vinegar. Blend until the mixture is completely smooth and creamy.
  • Cook the Mixture: Transfer the blend to a saucepan. Stir in agar powder, tapioca starch, arrowroot starch (if using), chickpea flour, nutritional yeast, garlic powder, onion powder, miso paste, salt, and whisk well to avoid any lumps.
  • Add the Heat: Bring the mixture to a simmer over medium heat. Keep stirring as the mixture thickens, about 5-6 minutes. Once thickened, fold in the diced jalapeno, red pepper flakes, and continue to stir for another minute.
  • Set the Cheese: Pour the hot cheese mixture into a prepared mold (a small loaf pan works well). Smooth the top with a spatula. Let it cool slightly before moving to the refrigerator to set. This should take about 2 hours.
  • Unmold and Enjoy: Once set, turn the cheese block out onto a plate. It’s ready to be sliced and enjoyed!


  • Storage: Keep your vegan pepperjack cheese in an airtight container in the fridge. It should stay fresh for up to a week.
  • Blender Power: Make sure your blender is powerful enough to achieve a smooth consistency. Cashews should be thoroughly soaked to facilitate this.

Frequently Asked Questions

A cutting board with ingredients: cashews, nutritional yeast, jalapeños, and spices. A food processor blends the mixture into a creamy vegan pepper jack cheese

In this section, I’ve gathered some of the most common inquiries about making and enjoying vegan pepper jack cheese. From essentials to spice adjustments, I’m here to help clarify these points.

What ingredients do I need to make a vegan pepper jack cheese?

To make homemade vegan pepper jack cheese, I typically need raw cashews, a plant-based milk (like almond or coconut milk), tapioca starch for stretchiness, nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavor, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, salt, and agar-agar or kappa carrageenan for firmness. I also add red pepper flakes and pickled jalapeños for that classic spicy kick.

How can I create a spicy kick in vegan pepper jack cheese?

I create the spicy kick in vegan pepper jack cheese by adding ingredients like dried red pepper flakes, fresh or pickled jalapeños, and even a dash of cayenne pepper. Adjusting these elements allows me to control the level of heat to my preference.

Can you suggest a healthy alternative to traditional pepper jack cheese that’s vegan?

Yes, a healthy alternative to traditional pepper jack cheese is a homemade version using plant-based ingredients. It avoids dairy, often uses nuts like cashews for richness, and includes no artificial preservatives. If avoiding oil, some recipes like those from A Plantiful Path specifically tailor to this preference.

What are some recommended brands for store-bought vegan pepper jack cheese?

Some recommended brands offering vegan pepper jack cheese include Daiya, Follow Your Heart, and Violife. These brands have been recognized for their ability to replicate the creamy texture and spicy flavor profile that is characteristic of traditional pepper jack cheese.

How does vegan Monterey Jack differ from vegan pepper jack cheese?

Vegan Monterey Jack cheese usually has a mild, buttery flavor and is meant to be a creamy addition to dishes without added heat. In contrast, vegan pepper jack cheese includes spicy elements like chili peppers and jalapeños to deliver a noticeable kick.

What dishes pair well with vegan pepper jack cheese for a delicious meal?

Vegan pepper jack cheese pairs extremely well with Mexican dishes like quesadillas and nachos. It also elevates the flavor of sandwiches. Plus, it melts beautifully into spicy mac and cheese, and can be a zesty component in salads.