Keto Coffee Smoothie Recipe: Favorite Protein Shake

Keto diets have been a game-changer for many looking to manage weight and improve health. What better way to enjoy this lifestyle than by incorporating delicious keto-friendly recipes? One yummy addition is the keto coffee smoothie, a perfect, creamy blend of nutrition and flavor.

A blender whirs as it combines coffee, coconut milk, MCT oil, and stevia. A frothy, creamy smoothie fills a glass, topped with a sprinkle of cinnamon

Making a keto coffee smoothie is surprisingly simple, and you can tailor it to your taste preferences. The basic ingredients usually include a combination of cold coffee, unsweetened plant-based milk, a choice of nut butter or MCT oil for that energy-boosting fat, and natural sweeteners that don’t add extra carbs.

It’s a recipe that’s flexible enough for you to get creative. Toss in some cocoa powder for a chocolaty twist, or add a scoop of your preferred protein powder for an extra nutrient kick. Sprinkle some unsweetened toasted coconut! Best of all, the ingredients blend together in minutes, giving you more time to enjoy your morning.

Key Takeaways

  • Enjoy a delicious blend of coffee and nutrients with a keto-friendly smoothie.
  • Tailor your smoothie with various add-ins like nut butters and natural sweeteners.
  • Prepare this quick and easy recipe to complement your busy lifestyle.

Ingredient List

Coffee and Dairy Alternatives

For the base of our smoothie, I always recommend using cold brew coffee or brewed coffee, which I cool down in the fridge. The choice between the two depends on your preference for intensity and flavor.

When it comes to dairy, I often opt for coconut milk or nut milks like almond milk; they’re keto-friendly and add a smooth texture. If dairy isn’t a concern, heavy cream is my go-to for decadence and extra fat that’s essential on a ketogenic diet.

  • Coffee: cold brew or brewed (chilled)
  • Milk Alternatives: coconut milk, almond milk
  • Dairy: heavy cream (optional)

Sweeteners and Flavorings

Now, I avoid sugar to keep the net carbs down, so stevia or a sugar-free sweetener becomes my best friend in these recipes.

A dash of sugar-free vanilla syrup can add layers of flavor without the extra calories. If I’m in the mood for chocolate, a spoonful of unsweetened cocoa powder enhances the taste, and a bit of vanilla extract rounds everything out beautifully.

  • Sweeteners: stevia, sugar-free sweetener
  • Flavorings: sugar-free vanilla syrup, unsweetened cocoa powder, vanilla extract

Fats and Proteins

For fats, MCT oil or butter are amazing keto-friendly options that provide good energy and taste great!

Nut butters such as peanut butter or almond butter aren’t just full of healthy fats, but they also give that satisfying thickness I love in my smoothies.

For proteins, I steer towards collagen powder, which is great for my skin and joints, and it blends well without altering the taste.

  • Fats: MCT oil, butter, peanut butter, almond butter
  • Proteins: collagen powder

Additional Enhancements

To personalize my keto coffee smoothie further, I sometimes add ice cubes for a frosty texture or sprinkle in some fiber if I need an extra digestive boost. For anyone following a vegan plan, most of these ingredients have plant-based variants, making the smoothie adaptable and inclusive.

  • Texture: ice cubes
  • Nutrition: fiber (optional for digestive health)
  • Adaptability: vegan options available

Preparation Guide

Mixing and Blending

I start by creating my own coffee ice cubes. I pour freshly brewed coffee into an ice cube tray and freeze it for about 4 hours or overnight.

Once they’re solid, I take these coffee ice cubes and put them in my blender. I add a combination of heavy cream and unsweetened almond milk for a smooth, rich base. If I’m looking for a protein shake twist, I add some collagen protein powder at this point. Then, I blend it all until it’s smooth.

  • Prep Time: Typically takes me about 5 minutes, not including freezing time.
  • Total Time: Depends on how long the coffee ice cubes take to freeze, but the blending is just another 1-2 minutes.

Flavor and Sweetness Adjustments

Adjusting the flavor and sweetness is where I can play around a bit. For a keto-friendly smoothie, I skip traditional sweeteners like honey and opt for low-carb alternatives.

My go-to choices are usually erythritol or monk fruit sweetener because they don’t spike my blood sugar levels.

If I’m craving a bit more indulgence, I might add a splash of vanilla extract or a dash of cocoa powder for a sugar-free mocha variation. Remember, the key is to sweeten to taste without overdoing it.

  • Sweeteners: I add them sparingly and always taste as I go.
  • Flavorings: Natural extracts and unsweetened cocoa powder work wonders without the carbs.

Keto Coffee Smoothie Recipe

Recipe by thisrecipelifeCourse: KetoCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time



Enjoy this creamy and energizing keto coffee smoothie, perfect for a quick breakfast or a delicious pick-me-up throughout the day!


  • 1 cup brewed coffee, cooled

  • 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk (or any keto-friendly milk)

  • 1 tablespoon MCT oil or coconut oil

  • 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder (optional, for mocha flavor)

  • 2 tablespoons heavy cream

  • 1 tablespoon almond butter (optional, for added creaminess)

  • 1-2 tablespoons erythritol or your preferred keto sweetener

  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • Ice cubes

  • Whipped cream (optional, for topping)

  • Cocoa powder or cinnamon (optional, for garnish)


  • Prepare Ingredients:
  • Brew the coffee and allow it to cool. You can use leftover coffee or brew a fresh cup and refrigerate it until cool.
  • Blend Smoothie:
  • In a blender, combine the cooled coffee, unsweetened almond milk, MCT oil or coconut oil, unsweetened cocoa powder (if using), heavy cream, almond butter (if using), erythritol or sweetener, and vanilla extract.
  • Add a handful of ice cubes to the blender.
  • Blend Until Smooth:
  • Blend the mixture on high speed until smooth and creamy. Adjust the sweetness to taste by adding more sweetener if needed.
  • Serve:
  • Pour the keto coffee smoothie into a glass.
  • Top with whipped cream, if desired, and sprinkle with cocoa powder or cinnamon for garnish.

Frequently Asked Questions

I love sharing insights about keto recipes! Below I’ve answered some common questions about making a delicious keto coffee smoothie.

What ingredients can I use to make a keto-friendly coffee smoothie?

To whip up a keto coffee smoothie, I use ingredients like cold-brewed coffee, unsweetened almond milk, and a source of healthy fats like almond butter or MCT oil. I also enjoy adding vanilla for flavor.

Can I add protein powder to my keto coffee smoothie, and which kind is best?

Absolutely, adding protein powder to your keto coffee smoothie is a great idea. I recommend using a low-carb, keto-friendly protein, such as collagen or whey protein isolate, to stick with your macros.

What are some variations of the keto coffee smoothie for different flavors?

To mix things up, I like including additions like cocoa powder for a mocha flair or swapping peanut butter for other nut butters for new flavors. Topping with sugar-free chocolate sauce can also be delightful.

How can I make my keto coffee smoothie creamy without adding too many carbs?

I find that heavy cream or coconut milk is fantastic for creating a creamy texture without overloading on carbs. Sometimes I use frozen coffee ice cubes for an extra rich consistency.

Are there any health benefits associated with drinking a keto coffee smoothie?

Keto coffee smoothies can be a nutritious part of your diet, providing energy, healthy fats, and potentially aiding in appetite control thanks to its high satiety factor.

How does a keto coffee smoothie fit into a weight loss plan?

If you’re on a ketogenic diet, a keto coffee smoothie can be a perfect fit for a weight loss plan. The combination of fats and protein can help keep you full. This reduces the likelihood of snacking and supports a calorie deficit.