Cold Brew Green Tea Recipe: Best Japanese Iced Tea

I’m always on the lookout for healthy and refreshing beverages! Recently, I’ve grown to appreciate the simplicity and flavor of cold-brew green tea.

Unlike its hot-brewed counterpart, this chilled version preserves the delicate flavors of green tea leaves without the bitterness sometimes produced by high temperatures. My journey into the world of tea has shown me that green tea is known for its antioxidants, which can offer numerous health benefits. Cold brewing is a great way to extract these valuable compounds!

A glass pitcher filled with cold brew green tea, surrounded by fresh mint leaves and slices of lemon, sitting on a wooden table

Making cold brew green tea is pretty easy and involves steeping green tea leaves in cold water for an extended period.

This method draws out a smoother flavor and is less likely to extract the tannins that can make tea bitter. I’ve learned that the key to the perfect cold brew lies in the ratio of tea to water, the quality of the tea leaves, and the steeping time, which can be adjusted according to personal preference.

Whether you’re enjoying it as a morning refreshment or a midday pick-me-up, this drink will become a staple in your routine.

Key Takeaways

  • Cold-brew green tea offers a smoother flavor and health benefits from antioxidants.
  • The perfect cold brew is achieved by careful attention to the tea-to-water ratio and steeping time.
  • Green tea’s versatility is showcased in cold brew, making it a delightful daily beverage.

Essentials of Cold Brew Green Tea

Cold brewing green tea is a simple process that yields a milder, smoother flavor by steeping tea in cold water over time. Understanding which teas to select and the necessary equipment are key to a refreshing brew.

Understanding the Basics

When I cold brew green tea, I avoid using hot water entirely. This means the compounds in the tea leaves—like caffeine and catechins—dissolve differently, resulting in a less bitter taste.

It’s crucial to know that the steeping time for cold brew is significantly longer. It usually takes me anywhere from 6 to 8 hours, so I plan accordingly.

Choosing the Right Tea

I prefer using Japanese green tea for cold brewing because of its higher quality and flavor. Sencha and gyokuro are my go-to choices.

Sencha offers a balance of sweetness and astringency, while gyokuro, being shaded longer during its growth, gives me a richer and more umami-driven flavor. If I’m using tea bags rather than loose leaves, I make sure they’re of high quality to get the best taste.

Cold Brewing Equipment

Lastly, having the right equipment is just as important as the tea itself. For my setup, I use:

  • Cold brew maker or a simple glass pitcher
  • Kitchen scale or measuring spoons for precision
  • Filtered water, to ensure no chlorine or other tap water chemicals interfere with the flavors of the tea

I fill my pitcher with the correct amount of green tea leaves or tea bags, add cold or room temperature filtered water, and let it steep in the refrigerator. Remember, the leaves should be fully immersed and not crammed into the container. Patience is the final ingredient in this brewing process.

Making Cold Brew Green Tea

A glass pitcher filled with water, loose green tea leaves steeping, and ice cubes melting in the liquid

In my experience, creating a refreshing batch of cold brew green tea is simple and can be highly customizable. I’m excited to share my way of preparing a delicious, smooth brew that’s perfect for any time of day.

Preparing Your Tea

I start by selecting my favorite Japanese green tea leaves. I find that about ½ oz (15g) of leaves is perfect for a large batch.

In my kitchen, I use a mason jar, but any large glass container will do. If you’re using tea bags, two or three should suffice. For those who prefer a hint of flavor, mint leaves or lemon slices can add a pleasant twist.

Steeping Your Tea

Once my tea is in the jar, I add 4¼ cups of cold or room temperature filtered water. It’s essential to make sure the leaves or tea bags are fully submerged.

I then place the lid on the jar and let it steep in the refrigerator. The magic happens over 6-8 hours; this slow process ensures a delicate extraction, minimizing bitterness.

Finalizing Your Tea Brew

After patiently waiting, I strain the tea using a cheesecloth or a fine mesh strainer to remove all the leaves or bags.

If I’m in the mood for sweetness, I’ll add a dash of honey or any other sweetener I have on hand. Stirring gently helps the sweetener incorporate evenly throughout the brew.

Serving Suggestions

I love serving my cold brew green tea over ice. It’s incredibly refreshing and can be garnished with additional lemon slices or mint leaves to enhance the presentation and flavor.

For those hot summer days, there’s nothing quite like a tall glass of cold brew green tea to cool down and rejuvenate!

Cold Brew Green Tea Recipe: Best Japanese Iced Tea

Recipe by thisrecipelifeCourse: DrinksCuisine: JapaneseDifficulty: Easy


Prep time



Cool down with our delicious Cold Brew Green Tea Recipe. Easy to prepare and packed with flavor, it’s the perfect beverage for a refreshing boost.


  • 4 cups cold, filtered water

  • 4-5 green tea bags (or 4 tablespoons loose leaf green tea)

  • Ice cubes (optional)

  • Lemon slices or mint leaves for garnish (optional)

  • Sweetener (optional, such as honey, agave, or stevia)


  • Prepare the Tea:
  • Place the green tea bags or loose leaf green tea into a large pitcher.
  • Add Water:
  • Pour the cold, filtered water over the tea bags or loose leaf tea.
  • Steep:
  • Cover the pitcher and place it in the refrigerator. Let it steep for 6-8 hours, or overnight for a stronger flavor.
  • Strain (if using loose leaf tea):
  • If you used loose leaf tea, strain the tea using a fine mesh sieve or a tea strainer to remove the leaves.
  • Serve:
  • Pour the cold brew green tea into glasses over ice cubes if desired.
  • Garnish with lemon slices or mint leaves for an added touch of flavor.
  • Sweeten to taste if desired.

Frequently Asked Questions

A pitcher of cold brew green tea surrounded by fresh tea leaves and ice cubes on a wooden table

In this section, I’ll answer some common questions about making cold brew green tea, from the perfect brewing techniques to health benefits.

How can I make cold brew green tea using tea bags?

To make cold brew green tea with tea bags, I simply place the tea bags in a pitcher of cold water. The general rule is to use one tea bag per 8-12 ounces of water and let it steep in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours for optimal flavor.

What are the health benefits of cold brew green tea?

Cold brew green tea is rich in antioxidants which may help reduce inflammation and support heart health. It has a smoother and sweeter taste with less caffeine, making it a hydrating choice that’s gentle on my stomach.

What’s the best ratio of water to tea for making cold brew green tea?

The best water to tea ratio I’ve found is about 1-2 teaspoons of loose leaf green tea or 1 tea bag per 8-12 ounces of water. Adjusting the amount of tea can help me find the perfect strength and flavor to match my preference.

Can I prepare cold brew green tea without using tea bags?

Yes, I can prepare cold brew green tea using loose leaf tea. I use a cold brew maker or a jug with a fine mesh strainer. Place the loose tea leaves directly in the water and strain them out after steeping.

What is the most effective cold brew green tea recipe for weight loss?

While no single recipe guarantees weight loss, a simple cold brew green tea made with just tea and water is low in calories and may help support a healthy metabolism. Adding sweeteners increases calorie content, so I keep it simple.

How long should green tea be steeped for cold brewing?

I steep green tea for cold brewing for about 6-8 hours in the refrigerator. This time frame ensures that the flavors are fully extracted without making the tea bitter. If I want a stronger brew, I can steep it a little longer.