3 Ingredient Keto Strawberry Ice Cream Best Recipe

Indulging in a delicious dessert while adhering to a ketogenic lifestyle might seem challenging. However, it’s quite simple with recipes like the 3 ingredient keto strawberry ice cream.

This treat is proof that you don’t need a long list of ingredients to satisfy your sweet tooth. Using just strawberries, heavy whipping cream, and sweetener, you can create a creamy, fruity ice cream that’s both refreshing and low in net carbs.

Fresh strawberries, heavy cream, and sweetener blend in a food processor. Mixture pours into an ice cream maker, churning until thick. Cream scoops into a bowl, topped with sliced strawberries

Making your own ice cream at home also means you have full control over the ingredients, ensuring that they align with your keto dietary needs. Making this ice cream is a breeze, requiring minimal prep time and no special cooking skills.

I love how this recipe demystifies the process of creating a keto-friendly dessert that can be enjoyed without compromising your health goals.

Key Takeaways

  • Keto-compatible desserts can be made with just a few simple ingredients.
  • This strawberry ice cream aligns with keto dietary restrictions and is easy to make at home.
  • The process is straightforward, making it a perfect treat for any level of cooking expertise.

Ingredients Overview

When I make 3 ingredient keto strawberry ice cream, I focus on simplicity and healthiness. We’re using minimal ingredients to hit the right taste and keep the net carbs low. Let me take you through the primary ingredients used in this delicious frozen treat.

Primary Ingredients

  • Strawberries: These are the star of the show, adding natural sweetness and vibrant color. Strawberries are low in net carbs, making them perfect for a keto-friendly ice cream.
  • Heavy Cream: This gives our ice cream its creamy texture. I prefer using heavy cream as it is low in carbs and high in healthy fats, which is ideal for a keto diet.
  • Sweetener: A keto-compatible sweetener like erythritol or stevia is what I use to replace traditional sugar. It’s important to pick a sweetener that won’t spike your blood sugar levels.

Specialty Additions

  • Vanilla Extract: A dash of vanilla extract adds a lovely depth of flavor.
  • Chocolate: For those who enjoy a chocolatey twist, a few sugar-free chocolate chips or a drizzle of melted chocolate can be a heavenly addition.
  • Alternate Milks: If you’re avoiding dairy, coconut milk or almond milk can be great substitutes for heavy cream. However, the texture may vary slightly.

Remember, the key is to keep it simple with ingredients that support your low-carb lifestyle and taste buds.

Recipe Instructions

Fresh strawberries, heavy cream, and sweetener are being blended together in a food processor to create keto strawberry ice cream

Making three-ingredient keto strawberry ice cream is simpler than you might think, and you probably have all you need in your kitchen already. This recipe is all about simplicity and enjoying a delightful keto-friendly treat without the fuss.

Preparation Steps

I start with frozen strawberries because they help chill the mixture faster. In my blender or food processor, I pulse the strawberries until they’re broken into smaller chunks. This helps them blend more evenly with the other ingredients.

Next, I pour in the heavy creamโ€”the fat content here is key for that creamy texture we’re after. I also add my preferred keto-friendly sweetener to taste. Then, I blend everything on medium speed for about 30 to 60 seconds.

What I’m aiming for is a smooth, well-integrated mixture that’s even in color and texture.

Freezing and Churning Process

Now, this is critical: the mixture needs to be cold to become ice cream. I transfer my mixture into a freezer-safe container and let it sit in the freezer for at least 3-4 hours.

If I’m using an ice cream maker, which I often find gives a smoother result, I pour the mixture in and let it churn. I follow the manufacturer’s instructions, which usually means letting it churn until it reaches a soft-serve consistency. This typically takes about 20-25 minutes.

For firmer ice cream, I let it rest in the freezer for an additional 2-4 hours after churning. A tip to prevent ice crystals is to make sure the lid of the container is airtight. Temperature plays a huge role here: the colder the freezer, the faster it’ll setโ€”just don’t let it get too hard!

3 Ingredient Keto Strawberry Ice Cream Best Recipe

Recipe by thisrecipelifeCourse: KetoCuisine: KetoDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Total time



It’s perfect for those hot summer days when you crave something sweet but don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen.


  • Fresh strawberries: 1 cup, chopped

  • Heavy cream: 1 cup

  • Keto-compatible sweetener (erythritol or stevia): 1/4 cup


  • Prepare Strawberries: Wash and chop the strawberries into small pieces.
  • Blend: In a blender, combine the chopped strawberries, heavy cream, and keto sweetener.
  • Blend Again: Pulse until smooth and creamy.
  • Chill: Pour the mixture into a freezer-safe container and freeze for at least 4 hours.
  • Serve: Scoop out and enjoy your creamy keto strawberry ice cream!


  • If you like a thicker texture, use frozen strawberries. You can also add a splash of vanilla extract for extra flavor.

Frequently Asked Questions

I understand that you might have some questions about preparing keto strawberry ice cream at home. Here I’ll answer some common queries to help you create the perfect batch of this low-carb dessert.

How can I make keto strawberry ice cream without it freezing solid?

To prevent my keto strawberry ice cream from freezing solid, I use a combination of high-fat ingredients like heavy cream, which helps to keep the ice cream creamy. I also recommend pulling it out of the freezer for a few minutes before serving to soften. For a non-traditional method, using a Creami ice cream pint may also yield a softer texture.

What is the nutritional carb content in homemade keto strawberry ice cream?

The carb content in homemade keto strawberry ice cream varies depending on the ingredients used. Typically, it’s low carb due to the absence of sugar. For an exact count, you’d need to calculate based on the specific recipe โ€” but it can be as low as a few grams of carbs per serving.

What ingredients are used to create keto-friendly ice cream?

When I make keto-friendly ice cream, I generally use ingredients like frozen strawberries, a low-carb sweetener like erythritol, and high-fat content liquid such as heavy cream. These ingredients help create a delicious dessert without the added sugar and carbs.

Can strawberries be incorporated into a keto diet?

Absolutely! Strawberries can be part of a keto diet as they are relatively low in carbs compared to other fruits. I include them in moderation to add natural sweetness and flavor to my keto recipes.

How do you make keto strawberry ice cream with cream cheese?

Making keto strawberry ice cream with cream cheese involves blending cream cheese with heavy cream and sweetener to provide a richer texture. I then add strawberries for flavor and freeze the mixture to achieve the desired consistency. The cream cheese not only adds flavor but also helps in reducing ice crystal formation.

What is the method for making keto strawberry ice cream in an ice cream maker?

To make keto strawberry ice cream in an ice cream maker, first blend the strawberries, sweetener, and heavy cream until smooth. Then, pour the mixture into the ice cream maker. Churn it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. For me, this usually takes about 20-25 minutes, until it reaches a soft-serve consistency. Then, transfer it to the freezer until firm.